.co.za R95.00 co.za Domain name
.net.za R85.00 net.za Domain Name
.web.za R85.00 web.za Domain Name
.xyz R35.00 xyz Domain Name
.mobi R199.00 mobi Domain Name
.com R199.00 com Domain Name
.net R199.00 net Domain Name
.org R199.00 org Domain Name
.info R159.00 info Domain Name
.biz R199.00 biz Domain Name

Few businesses can offer you thisWe offer much more than hosting

Over and above our professional web hosting service we also offer the following for free

Integrated Marketing Websites

Free Websites

As client you can build your own special websites with our unique system that automatic integrate such websites with our marketing group to promote your business, products or services.

Free Marketing Tools

We offer many different free marketing tools specially designed to promote your business, products or services as effective as possible and add just more and more from time to time.

2 Free Domain Names
Professional Web Hosting

Free Marketing Group

The websites and marketing tools provide direct and automated access to and promotion on our integrated marketing group and we are constantly busy to expand the group even more and more.

Compare Web HostingPackages and Pricing

Personal Hosting Package
18%, 27% and 36% discount R35.00
  • 100 mb Storage
  • 500 mb Bandwidth
  • 1 Email Account
  • 1 MySql Database
  • 1 Domain, 2 Websites
  • .
Business Hosting Package
16%, 24% and 36% discount R80.00
  • 1 000 mb Storage
  • 5 000 mb Bandwidth
  • 50 Email Accounts
  • 5 MySql Database
  • 50 Subdomains
  • 2 Domains, 4 Websites
Professional Hosting Package
16%, 22% and 36% discount R155.00
  • 2 000 mb Storage
  • 15 000 mb Bandwidth
  • 100 Email Accounts
  • 10 MySql Database
  • 100 Subdomains
  • 5 Domains, 6 Websites
Corporate Hosting Package
18%, 24% and 36% discount R205.00
  • 5 000 mb Storage
  • 50 000 mb Bandwidth
  • 500 Email Accounts
  • 50 MySql Database
  • 500 Subdomains
  • 10 Domains, 10 Websites

We Also Offer a Reseller Package

Our reseller package allow you to create up to 50 hosting accounts and websites.

At only R9.50 per personal package the reseller package is ideal for people that want to build a huge internet presence or for people that want to resell our services by creating hosting accounts and manage it on behalf of other people for a very lucrative and recurring income stream.

Why Choose Cyberage Web Hosting

Different Approach

We ourself have MANY websites and therefore understand your needs and want to HELP you to succeed online.

All-In-One Service

We don't catch you with hidden costs or paying extra for this or that and actually include far more than you can imagine.

Top Class Service

We are our own biggest and worst client so need the very best service and make sure everything runs 100% 24/7/365.

Internet Marketing

We spend years of building, testing and rebuilding our marketing group and offer it now for free to our web hosting clients.


Over and above our free marketing websites we also offer a professionalFree Website Builder

Super Easy

Super Easy

What You See Is What You Get !! No HTML knowledge is required. With a new WYSIWYG you can have fun with building a website.

Mobile Friendly

Mobile Friendly

Hundreds business-ready templates that work best on both desktop and mobile views. Edit website in both design view and HTML view.

Unlimited Page

Unlimited Pages

Our sitebuilder can support lots of high-volume contents published in each project without deferring the speed in loading and publishing.

Choose from 400 scripts or programs to install with just one step.Free Scipts and Programs

Free Scripts and Programs

Over and above the integrated websites and website builder we also offer Softaculous that not only automates the installation of web applications to your website but you can also perform complex functions like backing up database or backing up your entire website for that matter with just a click of a button.
You can also upgrade your installations with a single click